Criminal FAQ
Absolutely! An investigation is one of the most critical stages in any potential criminal case. Every criminal case begins with an investigation. This is the time the police make the initial, critical decisions that can influence whether charges are ever filed. For that reason, this stage of your case can represent a great opportunity to favorably influence the outcome, and can result in cases being closed, without prosecution, or lay groundwork for a positive resolution at a later stage.
What’s best, in any situation, is you having the ability to make an informed decision, about how to proceed. That is why it is vital to consult an attorney before ever agreeing to a police interview.
Ronald Reagan once said that, to him, the 10 most frightening words in the English language are, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you.”
We never advise our clients to talk to the police without meeting with us first, so we can investigate their situation, including finding out what the police are up to. The police are generally not trying to help you. They may believe you are guilty of some crime, and want you to “confess” and make their job easier.
We recently had a case where an individual agreed to talk to the police without consulting an attorney. The police later admitted that, had he refused to talk to them, they would have closed their case. Unfortunately, the individual tried to “explain” things to the officers. He is now in Federal Prison.